For the last 15 years, we’ve transformed lives. We’ve created programs that empower the formerly incarcerated and their families to build a successful future. We’ve welcomed new second chance partners, trained and equipped volunteers, and given new donors the opportunity to provide clients with a second chance at the American dream.
As we reflect on 15 years of hope, we also look toward the future—the lives and communities waiting to be transformed. We are proud that together, our success rate, the rate at which a client who participates in our programs does not return to prison, is over 90%.
The investment in reentry far outweighs the community’s cost to incarcerate an individual. And the benefit we as a community see when a client graduates from our training programs not only makes our community safer but also builds respect for law enforcement. This one factor alone is what makes Hope for Prisoners different.
Help us reach more lives, help us dream bigger, help us continue to make our community safer.