HOPE For Prisoners Vocational Village
HOPE For Prisoners VocationalVillage
Welcome to the Hope For Prisoners Vocational Village, a place where transformation takes center stage as currently incarcerated individuals are given the opportunity earn real life tools, skills, and support they will need to reintegrate into society as productive and thriving members.
This is made possible through a 120,000 square feet vocational training complex in the state of Nevada, in partnership with Governor Lombardo, the Nevada Department of Corrections, the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, and Workforce Connections. Our village features a first-in-the-nation American Job Center co-located within our training facility with training activities that provide certifications in: Welding, Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Plumbing, Masonry, Electrical, and Warehouse Logistics.
This facility is part of a broader mission Hope for Prisoners has for those incarcerated individuals who are set to be released within an 18-month period. The program as a whole will feature a "Hope for Prisoners" dedicated unit inside the Southern Desert Correctional Center and will serve 120 men at any given time with programming including: cognitive and life skills training, substance misuse treatment and therapy, higher education enrollment, intensive case management, job readiness training and job placement assistance, leadership development and more.

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Our Goals
- Serve a total of 800 clients within the first 4-year timeframe.
- Reduce the current recidivism rate of 28.63% in Nevada through vocational training inside the correctional facility, thus enhancing public safety.
- Establish an innovative, evidence-based reentry and vocational training model at SDCC that can become the state of Nevada’s very first reentry prison facility.
- Train, educate and equip incarcerated individuals and prepare them to successfully reintegrate into our community.
- Increase the number of offenders that are released with a college education or vocational trade certification.
- Assist Southern Nevada employers to fill in-demand positions with a skilled and work-ready labor force.