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Lives & Communities

"HOPE does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love
into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us"
Romans 5:5
Our Mission
HOPE For Prisoners is committed to helping men, women and young adults successfully reenter the workforce, their families
and our community.

Who We Are

Find out about our staff, board and partners.

What We Do

Learn about our mission and vision, and our unique approach.


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Our Vision

We work to empower the formerly incarcerated and their families to create a successful future built on strategic leadership and character development. By assisting those fighting for second chances, we strive to serve, build and strengthen our community.
Learn More About Us
Prisoners behind bars, victims of crime, families torn apart by incarceration — all are loved by God and worthy of our attention.
Men and women behind bars are also sons and daughters, fathers and mothers. What is being done to repair these relationships?
Neighborhoods can be made safer and healthier through a restorative approach to prisoners and those affected by crime.
Home of the Comeback Kids

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